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Home > Game Event Tables > Eric's Pre-Cruise Game Day

Eric's Pre-Cruise Game Day

Open to: Host's Friend List
Seats: 20 (18 available)
Table Manager: Chazzleton
Aug 12th, 2023
406 days ago.
Dec 31st, 1969
19,988 days ago.
Table's Settings
For this event table, game suggestions are automatically approved and are immediately included in the list of Approved Game Suggestions.
Table Description
Hopefully this nifty website thingie will help us figure our which games to play beforehand.
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Invite Code: ABN-EPE
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  2 Attendees 2 approved games.
a Play
Game Info & Rules  

1-4 players create trade routes in the Mediterranean using a mancala/resource system!

Dawn of Ulos
Manipulate and wager on the rise and fall of mortals as you shape a new world.
Game suggestions pending approval...
2 Attendees 1 game pending approval.
Game Info & Rules  
Star Trek: Ascendancy
Romulans, Klingons, and Federation compete for galactic supremacy.
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