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What you can expect by joining our newsletter:
Every so often, Game Night Picks sends out updates to our newsletter subscribers detailing new website features,
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Will we spam you?
Nope. (That was easy.)
For more on this topic, here's a word from our founder, Chaz: "Spam? As someone who has spent over two decades
as a web developer, I waste an excruciatingly large
amount of my precious time combating endless waves of stupid spam and phishing emails. The last
thing I ever want to do is contribute to generating more spam emails."
Will we sell your information?
Nope. (That was also easy.)
What's in it for Game Night Picks?
The purpose of Game Night Picks is to connect with fellow players in our board gaming
community - and, in turn, continue to build the Game Night Picks so it continues to be a useful resource.