Home > Game Event Tables > Board to Death Squad - Monthly Meeting

Table Manager: JonPrue
Saturday, Apr 12th
at 9:00am PDT
Ends:Saturday, Apr 12th
at 5:00pm PDT
Table's Settings
For this event table, game suggestions start in the Pending Approval list, and must be approved by the event table's manager before they are included in the list of Approved Game Suggestions.

Table Description
Men – join us for the first game of spring! As promised, we have a Victory at Sea custom scenario ready, U-Boats vs. Allied shipping in the Battle of the Atlantic. This scenario will let us try out several firsts: night fighting, Kriegsmarine submarine warfare, Royal Navy ASW, a Merchant Aircraft Carrier with aircraft sub hunters, and civilian shipping. Same as usual - BYOB, snacks or desert. Arrival time around 1200. See you there!
Event Table's Page
Invitation Code
Invite Code: Q2W-3R8
Invite Link
QR Code Version

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